GCC is an award-winning, 100% owned & operated Aboriginal Business established by Noongar Leader Mr Gordon Cole & is endorsed by Elders.

We incorporate Aboriginal and First Nation philosophies within a modern framework, resulting in inter-culture learning. GCC engages holistic learning processes that combine social, cultural, spiritual, emotional, behavioural, political, economic and historical factors. Read more about GCC.

GCC is particularly concerned with the construction of Aboriginal pride through ceremony, ritual and heritage. We believe that young people have limitless leadership capacity with the appropriate positive engagement. GCC fosters community leadership, personal development and cultural development. We provide Australian Aboriginal knowledge in a westernised context and foster a participant-centred learning process.

By focusing on the impacts of leadership and culture on performance, G Cole Consulting provides clients with the knowledge and practical tools to bring about sustainable and positive lasting change within their organisations. Download our company profile and read our services page.

Indigenous Services

Cultural intelligence, community engagement, program and service reviews, business and enterprise development.
More services. More services.


Supporting, inspiring and developing people to set personal and professional goals, and achieving them.
More services. More services.


Providing participants with the necessary skills, tools and
knowledge to move from potential to performance.
More services. More services.

Leadership Development

GCC provides youth, personal, organisational and community leadership development.
More services. More services.

Winner BHP Billiton Perth Naidoc Business of the Year 2013